James Earls, MSc, is a writer, lecturer, and bodywork practitioner specializing in functional movement and structural integration. He is the director of Born to Move, an education platform teaching real-life anatomy for movement and manual therapists, and he is a popular presenter at conferences and workshops around the world. He is active in several organizations, including the International Association of Structural Integrators, the Sports Massage Association (UK), the Institute for Sports and Remedial Massage (UK), and the Association of Physical and Natural Therapists. Earls also writes regularly for professional magazines and journals, such as Massage World and Today’s Therapist. He has been published in In Touch, the magazine for physiotherapists in private practice, and has collaborated with many authors in the production of their titles. Earls is the author of Born To Walk: Myofascial Efficiency and the Body in Movement and the coauthor of Fascial Release for Structural Balance.