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Physical Education
Building Character, Community, and a Growth Mindset in Physical Education
Activities That Promote Learning and Emotional and Social Development
Effective Physical Education Content and Instruction
An Evidence-Based and Teacher-Tested Approach
Lesson Planning for Elementary Physical Education
Meeting the National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes
Lesson Planning for High School Physical Education
Meeting the National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes
Lesson Planning for Middle School Physical Education
Meeting the National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes
Meeting Physical Education Standards Through Meaningful Assessment
Research-Based Strategies for Secondary Teachers
Lesson plans, games, and teaching tips for elementary physical education
Physical Education for Homeschool, Classroom, and Recreation Settings
102 Games With Variations
Games for Developing Confidence and Competence in Physical Activity
Physical Activities In the Wheelchair and Out
An Illustrated Guide to Personalizing Participation
Technology for Physical Educators, Health Educators, and Coaches
Enhancing Instruction, Assessment, Management, Professional Development, and Advocacy
A year-round system for athlete development and program success
Foundations of Professional Coaching
Models, Methods, and Core Competencies
Mastering Mindset for Peak Performance in Sport and Life
Health Education
An Interdisciplinary Elementary Curriculum for Nutrition and Physical Activity