Physical Therapy/Physiotherapy
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ABLE Bodies Balance Training
Price: £55.00
ISBN: 9781718220317
Format: Paperback
ABLE Bodies Balance Training is an activity-based program designed to improve balance and mobility for fit and frail older adults. There are 137 activities and exercises to improve flexibility, posture, core stability, strength, mobility, balance, cardiorespiratory endurance, and brain health.
Dance Injuries
Reducing Risk and Maximizing Performance
Price: £99.00
ISBN: 9781718211865
Format: Paperback
Dance Injuries presents a holistic wellness model and in-depth coverage of how to reduce the risk of injury in dance and how to care for injuries properly. Nearly 200 full-color illustrations and 150 photos enhance understanding to properly train dancers technically, physically, and mentally.
The Pocket Atlas of Skeletal Muscles
A Reference for Students of Physical Therapy, Medicine, Sports, and Bodywork
Price: £13.99
ISBN: 9781718226951
Format: Paperback
This concise, pocket-sized guide offers more than 500 full-color illustrations of human musculoskeletal anatomy. It is a perfect on-the-go reference for students and practitioners of anatomy, massage, physical therapy, chiropractic, medicine, nursing, and physiotherapy.
Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries
Price: £138.00
ISBN: 9781718203150
Format: Hardcover
Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries, Fifth Edition With HKPropel Online Video, presents foundational concepts that support a thorough understanding of therapeutic interventions and rehabilitative techniques. Accompanying video demonstrates challenging or novel rehabilitative techniques.
Myofascial Release
Price: £35.00
ISBN: 9781718200715
Format: Paperback
Myofascial Release, Second Edition, provides comprehensive training for hands-on therapists of all disciplines and at all levels to expand their practices. This scientifically grounded whole-body approach presents an overview of the entire fascial matrix.
Clinical Pharmacology in Athletic Training
Price: £70.00
ISBN: 9781492594185
Format: Paperback
Clinical Pharmacology in Athletic Training empowers athletic trainers with a functional understanding of pharmacology that enables them to formulate a treatment plan intended to mitigate disease and improve the overall health of their patients.
A Clinical Guide to Surface Palpation
The Art and Science of the Perfect Touch
Price: £78.00
ISBN: 9781492596684
Format: Paperback
A Clinical Guide to Surface Palpation, Second Edition, uses a simple step-by-step approach to explaining palpation techniques, which are organized by regions of the body. Anatomical overlays on photos and video clips help demonstrate proper execution of common clinical palpation techniques.
Athletic Training and Therapy
Foundations Of Behavior And Practice
Price: £86.00
ISBN: 9781492560586
Format: Paperback
This graduate-level textbook instills evidence-based knowledge of contemporary practices in athletic training and health care. Integrating essential competencies outlined by the NATA, BOC, and CAATE, future athletic trainers will build a foundation for clinical expertise to improve patient outcomes.
Back Exercise
Stabilize, Mobilize, and Reduce Pain
Price: £23.99
ISBN: 9781492594765
Format: Paperback
Back Exercise explores the anatomy and movement of the spine and offers exercises that stabilize, mobilize, and reduce back pain. Low back pain, disc bulge and herniation, spondylolisthesis, stenosis, and spinal surgeries are discussed, along with guidelines for safety and self-assessment.
Dynamics of Skill Acquisition
An Ecological Dynamics Approach
Price: £77.00
ISBN: 9781492563228
Format: Paperback
Dynamics of Skill Acquisition, Second Edition, provides an analysis of the processes underlying human skill acquisition. It presents the ecological dynamics multidisciplinary framework for designing learning environments that foster skill development.
Sports Injuries Guidebook
Price: £23.99
ISBN: 9781492587095
Format: Paperback
Sports Injuries Guidebook, Second Edition, is a comprehensive yet concise reference for more than 150 common sports injuries. Coverage includes common causes, explanation of symptoms, anatomical illustrations, and treatment options.
The Modern Art and Science of Mobility
Price: £27.99
ISBN: 9781492571216
Format: Paperback
The Modern Art and Science of Mobility explains and illustrates more than 300 exercises designed to improve recovery, reduce pain, improve mobility, and activate muscles.
Sports Massage for Injury Care
Price: £39.00
ISBN: 9781492560630
Format: Paperback
Sports Massage for Injury Care explains why manual therapy is so valuable in treating musculoskeletal injuries. It presents injury-specific protocols for treating and preventing recurrence of 20 of the most common neuromuscular injuries seen in athletes.
Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation
Price: £77.00
ISBN: 9781492543671
Format: Paperback
Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation, Second Edition, introduces students to the many career possibilities in the field of therapeutic recreation. Drawing on the combined wisdom and expertise of editors...
Therapeutic Stretching
Price: £21.99
ISBN: 9781492577751
Format: eBook
Therapeutic Stretching offers a range of stretches to assist students and practitioners in treating clients rehabilitating from musculoskeletal conditions and injuries. A user-friendly format with clear explanations helps students and practitioners readily incorporate these stretches into practice.

ABLE Bodies Balance Training
Price: £55.00
ISBN: 9781718220317
Format: Paperback
Dance Injuries
Reducing Risk and Maximizing Performance
Price: £99.00
ISBN: 9781718211865
Format: Paperback
The Pocket Atlas of Skeletal Muscles
A Reference for Students of Physical Therapy, Medicine, Sports, and Bodywork
Price: £13.99
ISBN: 9781718226951
Format: Paperback
Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries
Price: £138.00
ISBN: 9781718203150
Format: Hardcover
Myofascial Release
Price: £35.00
ISBN: 9781718200715
Format: Paperback
Clinical Pharmacology in Athletic Training
Price: £70.00
ISBN: 9781492594185
Format: Paperback
A Clinical Guide to Surface Palpation
The Art and Science of the Perfect Touch
Price: £78.00
ISBN: 9781492596684
Format: Paperback
Athletic Training and Therapy
Foundations Of Behavior And Practice
Price: £86.00
ISBN: 9781492560586
Format: Paperback
Back Exercise
Stabilize, Mobilize, and Reduce Pain
Price: £23.99
ISBN: 9781492594765
Format: Paperback
Dynamics of Skill Acquisition
An Ecological Dynamics Approach
Price: £77.00
ISBN: 9781492563228
Format: Paperback
Sports Injuries Guidebook
Price: £23.99
ISBN: 9781492587095
Format: Paperback
The Modern Art and Science of Mobility
Price: £27.99
ISBN: 9781492571216
Format: Paperback
Sports Massage for Injury Care
Price: £39.00
ISBN: 9781492560630
Format: Paperback
Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation
Price: £77.00
ISBN: 9781492543671
Format: Paperback
Therapeutic Stretching
Price: £21.99
ISBN: 9781492577751
Format: eBook
Therapeutic Stretching offers a range of stretches to assist students and practitioners in treating clients rehabilitating from musculoskeletal conditions and injuries. A user-friendly format with clear explanations helps students and practitioners readily incorporate these stretches into practice.